Resources and working groups

Working groups

Non-commutative optimal transport reading group

  • What: Presentations and discussions on optimal transport in the quantum and free probability.
  • Who: Anyone who is interested, especially graduate students and postdocs. Please email me if you want to join.
  • When: Tuesdays starting July 9, 2024, at 5pm Central European time / 11am Eastern time / 8am Pacific time. (Schedule may be updated for the new term in 2025).
  • Where: Online. Please email me for the Zoom link.
  • Why: To gain familiarity with both free and quantum optimal transport and entropy, to connect these topics, and to prepare for the IPAM long program on non-commutative optimal transport in Spring 2025.

Upcoming topics include Carlen and Maas’s paper on quantum Markov semigroups and quantum Wasserstein distance, as well as further development of free Wasserstein distance and free entropy.

Model theory of operator algebras reading group

I am currently co-organizing a reading group with Jennifer Pi on the paper [2407.13344] Extremal models and direct integrals in affine logic by Ben Yaacov, Ibarlucía, and Tsankov. Please email me or Jennifer if you are interested in joining.

This is something of a continuation of the model theory of operator algebras reading group started at the Fields Institute in Fall 2023.

Past seminars and working groups

  • I coorganized with Anshu the Model Theory of C*-algebras Reading Seminar at the Fields Institute for Fall 2023. This was part of the long program in operator algebras and we may have some future meetings. Please email if you are interested.
  • I organized the UCSD Functional Analysis Seminar for 2021-2022.
  • During 2022-2023, I was a coorganizer with Priyanga Ganesan for the UCSD functional analysis seminar (details can be found here).

Learning resources

Random matrices and free probability

C* and von Neumann algebras

Model theory of operator algebras